Red Cross Children’s Hospital – Emergency Ward Fund

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    raised of R350,000.00 goal goal
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We are proud supporters of the Red Cross Children's Trust and do everything in our power to contribute to this incredible hospital every month. RCCT are now working on their ground-breaking project over the next three years to rebuild their Emergency Rooms! We are so excited to be onboard, and hope with the help of our friends and families that we too can leave a mark on life - for the sake of our children!

The Children’s Hospital Trust is an independent non-profit organization established in 1994 to raise funds to support specific projects and programmes to help advance child healthcare through the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital – the first stand-alone tertiary hospital, exclusively for children, in sub-Saharan Africa. The Trust raises funds for the upgrade and expansion of the Hospital’s buildings, the purchase of state-of-the-art medical equipment, new medical treatment programmes and funds the training of medical professionals across Africa – ensuring that the Hospital not only retains its world-class stature, but is able to continue providing life-changing and life-saving care for children.

The Trust relies on donations in order to fund these needs. When you donate to the Trust, every cent goes towards funding projects and programmes that change children’s lives (and the lives of the people who love them.) The operational costs of the Trust are funded from an endowment, so your generous contributions are never used to cover administration costs.

Let's leave our mark on life!


Angela Williamson

Angela Williamson

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raised of R350,000.00 goal
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