Recovering from a broken neck

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Hello friends, Im not sure if this site will work or not. I unfortunately suffered a broken neck on February 9th 2012 in Ocala Florida. I have acumilated quite a few hospital bills and other medical bills on my road to recovery. Fortunately I was able to move back home with my parents who are elderly and live off of social security retirement. I am now dealing with having to go to more specialists for nerve damage from the broken neck and possibly having to deal with more surgeries. As per my doctors i cannot work so i am filing for SSI myself but unfortunately that takes forever and without being able to work while waiting for SSI to come through it is becoming increasingly hard to afford basic necessities when i am depending on my elderly parents to help me out. They only get so much from SSI retirement and with me adding to there bills it is becoming hard for them as well. I am not looking to get rich or anything of the sort i just would like to be able to make a dent in some of my hospital bills which are over 50,000.00 dollars already, and to be able to have a little extra to be able to afford further medical exspenses that i have coming with upcoming surgeries and physical therapy.


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