A New Home for Snow

  • £5.00
    raised of £500.00 goal goal
1% Funded
1 Donors
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Hastings Borough Council is willing to let a young charity worker go homeless, I'm not. Please help me raise enough so this hard-working member of society can get a deposit on a new home. 

Snow* has been left homeless by her landlord after he decided to sell the flat she has lived in with her cat for the last five years. 

This 21 year local girl old does a lot of work for charity including organisations like 'The Little Princesses Trust' and 'Alzeimer's UK' 

Although she has little money herself she is always trying to help others who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. 

I will be sleeping rough for a night at the end of May to try to raise enough so she can get a deposit on a new place and start rebuilding the life that has been left in tatters by government legislation designed to persecute the least well off and most vulnerable members of society and an landlord that doesn't care. 

Any donation, no matter how small, will go a log way towards helping. 

I will be giving away free hand drawings as a thank you for anyone who donates £5 or over 

Thank  you for your kindness. It means a lot ❤️ 


Hand drawn picture by me of your choice

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raised of £500.00 goal
1% Funded
1 Donors

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