Raising money for IVF (InVitro) Treatment

  • US$500.00
    raised of $11,000.00 goal goal
4% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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Dear friends, family and others that may read this.
As some of our nearest and dearest are aware, in the hope to have a baby, Kyle and I are going to be trying (In vitro fertilization) IVF.
This is one of our last hopes to help start the family we that we’ve longed for, for so many years.
The last barrier that we need to pass is the financial barrier. For us, the cost of IVF is going to be around $13,000. A hefty price but well worth it.
We have fallen $11,000 short and we are reaching out to you to help us raise that.
What’s more special than being able to give the gift of life?
We would be eternally grateful if you could make a contribution to help us secure the IVF treatment.
However, I know things are hard for so many people in the current climate so I also understand if it’s not possible. If you can’t donate, please help by spreading the word about this fundraiser and a simple prayer. We are eternally greatful for the love and support.
The past 2.5 years have been a roller coaster. They have been the hardest and the best years of our life. I have had a really hard time dealing with the fact that we may not be able to have kids.
We have been to doctors who have told us different things and it has been very frustrating at times. We have been waiting for the day we are blessed with the special gift of having a child and loving that child to the moon and back. It has been a struggle for us, but also a great learning experience. We have grown so much together through this experience and it has made us closer.  
We love you all,
Kyle, Kristina and unborn child


No thanks, I just want to help

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A personal thank you note and a thank you on our social networks

0 Backers

input into our child's name

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a dinner hosted by us

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Donors & Comments

1 donors


Colin Pilipchuk
raised of $11,000.00 goal
4% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities