Fundraising campaign by Hosea Malu
  • US$0.00
    raised of $950.00 goal goal
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Time left
22 13 47
You only have the opportunity to donate to this campaign before Monday Jun 10, 11:59 pm UTC
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Due to climate change in our country which is causing a lot of
problems, for example; Climate change causes polar ice caps and glaciers to melt rapidly, resulting in rising sea levels that threaten coastal communities, infrastructure, and ecosystems. This leads to increased flooding, erosion, and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources. Additionally, climate change is associated with more frequent and intense extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, causing widespread destruction, loss of life, and damage to property and infrastructure. Changes in precipitation patterns further exacerbate these impacts, with some regions experiencing more severe droughts while others face increased flooding. Ecosystems are disrupted as temperature and precipitation patterns shift, leading to habitat loss, species extinction, and changes in ecosystem services. Ocean acidification, driven by increased CO2 levels, harms marine life and disrupts food webs, particularly affecting organisms with calcium carbonate shells or skeletons. More painfully it has led to death of many people. I decided to start this project in order to save our beatiful planet. Well wishers please help me archieve it


  • Hosea Malu

Lets show love to our environment

Lets show love to our environment

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Anuruddha W
raised of $950.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Time left
22 13 47

You only have the opportunity to donate to this campaign before Monday Jun 10, 11:59 pm UTC

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