Project new Roof HELP!!!

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Public awareness of the roof’s poor condition has been further enhanced.


We started fixing our lovely, crumbly little Scout hut with energy and lots of volunteer commitment. And it's going well! But we've hit a snag... The roof of our Scout hut is leaky and we're going to have to replace it - which will cost us about £17,000.

So... as ever pro-active Scouts we've started asking around for helpful donations of some materials. And we've made a good start... but we'll also have to raise some money. .

The work on the new roof will commence as soon as funds are possible to do so, and by then we hope to have raised enough money to pay for the materials and labour we'll need to get the work done. If you'd like to add your efforts to help us, there are a couple of things you could do... you could make a donation, or even conduct a personal challenge to raise funds. Us scouts would love to hear about any challenges!


  • Southern Scouts
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of £10,000.00 goal
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