Post-Adoption Help Needed

Fundraising campaign by Jennifer Ludy
  • US$0.00
    raised of $2,500.00 goal goal
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to read.

I've taken in my niece and nephew to keep them out of foster homes. Due to the legal fees involved in keeping them safe and sound, I've drained all of my financial resources.

I've also had to leave my traveling sales job to be able to stay local and care for them. I've gone from a $75K year job to an hourly position making less than $15/hr.

I have no family support structure to help me.

My brother (the bio dad) his girlfriend -bio mom are drug addicts (meth and pain pills).

I've paid the money to do the adoption in order to keep them safe and secure for the rest of their lives to make sure they never have to be in that environment again and to make sure they never have to worry about where their next meal will come from, whether they will have utilities for warm baths and lights.

I've also recently paid 1/3rd of a $12K tuition to pay for a 9-month massage therapy course so that I can have a career and still be able to take care of them and be there for them. However that doesn't start until September.

With all of these legal fees, tuition fees, and other expenses not including back to school coming up in two weeks, I ad desperately short & my checking account has been absolutely drained. I am asking for your donation to help me over the next month or so - to cover household bills and back to school for the children.

From the bottom of my heart, I sure hope you'll consider donating and helping out. If I can get over this hump, It will all work out and with your support I can make this happen for a better future for my new family.

About the rewards

I make and sell these items at flea markets. Magic stones as the little one has so perfectly named them, are glass stones with artwork affixed to them. The most common choice is a necklace charm or paperweight as indicated below.


Send you a Magic Stone Necklace Charm

0 Backers

Send you a Magic Stone Paperweight

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Adoptive Mom Trying to Adjust to a New Life with the Addition of 2 Innocent little Lives

Adoptive Mom Trying to Adjust to a New Life with the Addition of 2 Innocent little Lives

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raised of $2,500.00 goal
0% Funded
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities