Police violence recovery fund for soren

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My brother, Soren, peacefully protested alongside his community in Minneapolis on may 31, 2020. Having previously taken part in neighborhood watches and other protests, he was present when the police became violent and he fell victim. In an attempt to protect his neighbors, Soren stood at the front of the protest and was shot (unprovoked) in the left eye with a rubber bullet sustaining irreversible harm to the eye and extensive damage to the surrounding bone structures. He was rushed into surgery and as of this morning, June 1st, 2020, he was released from surgery and declared stable. His eye, however, could not be saved and the damage is permanent.

We are reeling from this tragedy and cannot even begin to touch these medical costs. Please help my brother! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Soren was harmed protesting for a cause he believed in and sacrificed himself. Please stand with us and the rest of the country as we protest the violent and unfair treatment of our friends, family, and loved one! Take action! Call your elected officials, protest, donate to BLM! #ICANTBREATHE

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