Please support my Family

Fundraising campaign by Blake Ward
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    raised of £9,000.00 goal goal
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Hello Everyone

I am currently trying my best to provide and give my family the best possible start in life but as we all know sometimes it can be very hard and working from pay check to pay check.

I work full time and we are in debt with over £9000. I provide for my family's needs such as food and a place to live but cannot afford to pay these debts to ensure I can give my family the best life. I hate that I have to ask for help as I should be able to deal with this but as we have been going through a lot of hard times over the last 4 years I am unable to do this. The pressure is also effecting us. My daughter Krystal knows things arnt easy at home but we do our best to giver her everything she needs but would love to be able to give Krystal stuff she wants, have days out and be able to have other things kids have at school. It hurts us that she we can't Krystal these things but have to live to our means.

we wish to be out of this constant cycle of fear and thinking we can't give Krystal the life she deserves.

Thankyou for taking time to read this and especially to those who help us by donations.


  • Blake Ward
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of £9,000.00 goal
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