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Fundraising campaign by luther gilbert
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About 8 years ago i was involved in a crash where a semi truck ran into me setting at a red light causing sereve damage to my back an causing me to have to got to a doctor every month to manage the pain caused by the wreck and because of my choosing the wrong lawyer and only getting a small check each month for my disability i desided to start a small business to help offset the cost of living expenses whereas my disability check left nothing after bills were paid.

About three years ago i found a 73 home made rollback wrecker for $1.000 dollars and bought it and starting building my business it being that old i needed to invest around $5.000 into it to make it trustworthy an safe to transport other vehicles.

After i spent this money an got it fixed an got a web site set up along with getting set up with many insurance compaines to do towing for their customers the guy i bough the truck from desided he wanted the truck back so one day he ask if he could use it for the day and i let him then he refused to return it to me so i contacted the police like i had always been taught.

After spending about a week the detectives investigating the case were going to lock him up an take him before the grand jury on charges but they ask me is they got him to return my truck would i drop the charges i said i would all i wanted was my truck that i spent all the money had buying an fixing returned to me so he returned my truck and i droped the charges.

About a year later i got papers served upon me saying he was sueing me an claiming he only let me use the truck he hired an attorney that was freinds with the judge in charge of the case's wife an son so when it went to court the judge went against every thing the law says he must go by in making a ruling in the case an ordered the truck returned to him even though i had a bill of sale filled out by the guy i bought it from and by law on that old of truck the law says thats all that is required to transfer ownership and i had proof i had to pay the back taxes where the truck had not been registered for five years before i bough it from him.

We have filed an appeal in the case however it will take up to three years for the case to get heard by the appeals court and because i have spent all the money i have buying an fixing up this truck i don't have the funds to replace it and i fear the companies i worked so getting set up with will stop calling me because i have to tell them i can't take their calls due to not having a truck to do the tow and they call about five times a day an even more on some days.

I ask you to please find in in your heart to help out with a donation of what ever you can even if its only one dollar it will help an be appreciated more than you will ever know, i have always been on the side of helping others myself an every year i do everything to help with people in need like the local childrens home, the salvation army and many other organizations for people in need and i join the parades around an have thrown out thousands of dollars in candy an gifts to the children and every year since i started my towing company i have run a campaign i started called Arrive alive where i have offered free towing to anyone whom has been drinking over the holidays at no charge most of the other companies that offer services only offer a few miles of free towing over holidays we offer unlimited miles.

So this is my story of why i need your help an with your help i can

get a replacment an save my business the cost to replace my truck is

between $5,000 to $8,000 can you find it in your heart to help an i

understand some are not in the position to make a donation but may god

bless you an for the ones that are able to donate even if its only one

dollar god bless you as well.


  • luther gilbert
  • Campaign Owner

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