Please Help Save My Daughter

Fundraising campaign by Nicholas Bennett
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Hello Everyone,

My name is Nicholas Bennett and I am a Medically Retired Firefighter/Paramedic suffering from Insulin Dependent Diabetes for the last 34 years and was forced to retire due to severe Peripheral Neuropathy, a complication of the Diabetes. I am presently going through the process of getting on federal disability. I find myself in the middle of a very unpleasant and acrimonious Divorce. In 2014 my soon to be ex wife abandoned my children and I for a meth addict and known dealer here in North Georgia; for reasons none of us will ever understand. During the abandonment she made one attempt to act like she wanted to come back to us; which, was nothing more than a lie. During our 9 year marriage we were fortunate enough to be blessed with the birth of our mutual daughter, Abigail. I have cared for her since her birth and she is my reason for living. I presently find myself a single father and not only care for Abigail, but also my step sons, my soon to be ex wife’s kids that I have raised as my own since they were very young. Due to my soon to be ex wife’s lack of cooperation, and after discovering that she is now a 3 time convicted felon; all felonies having to do with drugs, DUI, and prescription forgery to obtain opioid based pain killers, I am now left with no other choice but to seek full custody of Abigail and legal guardianship of my step children. This is a very costly process and we are desperately in need of help. Even after completing court ordered Rehab, my soon to be ex wife is still heavily involved in drugs and somehow manages to fool her probation officers. Photographic evidence of my soon to be ex’s drug activity has been turned over to my legal council, along with local authorities. Sadly the local authorities have done nothing. I am asking for your generosity to help me keep my poor daughter from ever having to be exposed to her mother’s unhealthy, illegal, and immoral lifestyle. I love my children more than anything and will fight to the ends of the earth and beyond for them. Please help me be able to help them by getting full custody. My children have suffered a great deal due to the choices of their mother. I am asking that you all help me stop the suffering for them. I thank you very much in advance for your generous donations.


Firefighter/Paramedic, Single Father

Firefighter/Paramedic, Single Father

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