Please help my family have a prosperous christmas

Fundraising campaign by Candice McDonald
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Show less name is Candice and I am a 38 year old single unemployed mom from Cape Town, South Africa.

My family and I have been struggling financially since the pandemic, I also lost my job due to the pandemic and I have two boys who depend me. My mother has been graciously helping but she herself is struggling financially as she is of an elderly age. I have tried and tried to find work and I am still trying but have had no success as yet which has made me turn to the internet to ask for help.

My goal is just to get enough help so myself and my family can get on our feet, have a prosperous Christmas and for me to have taxi money to continue handing in my resumes and hope for the best outcome for the new year. I'm not good at asking for help but I'm hoping that there is anyone out there who is willing to help my family and myself.

I appreciate everyone who took the time to read my story and who is willing to help us.

Thank you and God bless you.


Struggling single unemployed mom trying to make a difference.

Struggling single unemployed mom trying to make a difference.

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