Please help me start my career

Fundraising campaign by please56
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    raised of £2,000.00 goal goal
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Hello kind donaters, My name is Samantha and I am completely lost! At the age of 23 I have decided that I really need to settle down in to a more mature life style! For the last 4 years I've been working between £300 a month seasonal job, and part time retail work. I've really struggled to find a set career and have finally come to the conclusion that the role which best suits my skills and personality is a PA to a CEO. The problem is, I currently have no car to drive, and without and Administration experience, I am getting no where.   Therefore, the money which would be donated by the lovely members of the public, would go towards buying a car and paying for insurance, so that I can reach a wider variety of jobs. Also it will go towards a night class in Administration and book keeping.   I would really appreciate any help, I know this seems like a rather pathetic and pointless cause, but I honestly am a good person, and I am hoping that some day soon all of the good deads I've done may just pay off.   Anyway, thank you for your time, ALSO, if you have a live in admin job that you'd like to interview/hire me for then I would be very grateful!!


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raised of £2,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities