Please help me save my daughter

Fundraising campaign by Kim Scott
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Please read as this Momma bear NEEDS a miracle! My daughter Ashley is currently in a recovery program. This journey of sobriety took place after a hospital stay in which she was very ill. She was told that if she did not stop drinking immediately, at the young age of 21 she will die. Her liver had started to fail her and kick deadly toxins back into her body. For the 1st time in years of me trying to intervene and save her, she asked me for help because she doesn’t want to die. In the past few months we have struggled to find help for her as we are very low income and do not have insurance. It has been a very stressful and discouraging process for both of us. There are very few assistance programs to help and the ones that are out there are the wrong type of help or just simply not enough. Basically, unless you have money or great insurance there are no options for someone like Ashley. It’s even more disheartening when someone is actually crying out for help, asking for it and cannot get it due to their financial situation. I as a single parent have been doing everything possible on my end to help get her situated somewhere that is not only safe but can give her the help that she so desperately needs. Our finances are very limited to pay for this recovery program and she is so desperately trying not to get discouraged and I am doing all that I humanly can to help. Ashley has a long recovery ahead of her…. AND she is SO willing to do the work. She is in the perfect place to receive all that she needs on this difficult journey……. There is a monthly payment that is required for her to be in the recovery home and I am contributing as much as I can but it’s not enough, our ultimate goal would pay for 6 months of her recovery home…... We just need people to be willing to help. We see all those commercials about saving animals and children in other countries. Here is a girl that is right here needing our help desperately and her pleading Mother that is willing to humble herself. If just a few people got together and helped with just a little bit each it would make such a difference. Many people donate to bury someone, please donate to keep from burying this precious girl. Her liver is in a very fragile condition and could not handle a relapse. Please help me to keep her in the program that she is in, her life depends on it. I really appreciate you taking your time to read this.


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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities