Please help me fix my straight spine

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In a healthy spine, the cervical lordosis looks like a very wide C, with the C pointing toward the back of the neck. This can begin to straighten in a condition called cervical kyphosis, in which the curve straightens up or even bows in the other direction.

A straight cervical spine loses its ability to absorb shock. This puts extra pressure on the disc and causes it to break down faster. Over time, this will cause the individual vertebrae (bones in the neck) to break down.

The lack of cervical spine curvature causes tension on the spinal cord and carotid arteries as they ascend into the brain to feed it oxygen and nutrients. This can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, fatigue, tinnitus, pain, nervousness, insomnia, high blood pressure, and confusion, just to name a few.

For some patients, it may be necessary to perform surgery. Surgery for spinal fusion can address abnormal curvature by fusing the cervical vertebrae so that they cannot drift out of place, for example.

My insurance only covers 50% of my required treatment plan. I am a teacher and there is no way I can afford the extra $2,500 out of pocket, but it all needs to be done consecutively to work. After that, it will just be normal routine check-ups that my insurance will cover. Please help me stop this before it leads to surgery or worse.


  • Dana Lustri
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $2,500.00 goal
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