Please help me buy my own home

Fundraising campaign by Vito Principe
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Hello, my name is Vito. My dream and hope is to have a home. My own place paying my own mortgage instead of renting and paying someone else. It became clear to me that I cannot achieve this on my own that’s why im here asking for your help. A friend has told me about this crowdfunding campaign where people in need ask for help. Im skeptical about this crowdfunding, but being that Im running out of options and as an act of desperation Im here asking for help

What im looking for is a small co-op apartment in Brooklyn, ny. Nothing extravagant only a small place in which I can call home. Co-ops are generally cheaper than any other real estate investments.What im asking is what I need. $80,000 to put as a down payment on a one bedroom apartment or a studio.

My current status is that im stuck in a dark and damp basement apartment with an occasional waterbug.I pay $ 1200 a month . I don’t have tv service or landline phone because I can no longer afford it. Im not even sure of how long can I afford this basement. Between the rent, cell phone, car insurance in wich I only use the car for work and take the bus the rest of the time, and other stuff I pay about $ 1800 and quite frankly im not sure how long I can go on like this. To most people $1800 might not seem much but it’s a lot for me.

I am a 51 year old Italian man. Single because I cant afford a girlfriend. In 2010 I was hospitalized with a heart attack and im on medication because of it. I work on my own as a handyman. My income is between $1000 and $1400 a month. Almost every month I have to borrow from my parents or my brother or both. Thought about going to work for someone but I am afraid that they’ll let me do stranious work like heavy lifting and produce another heart attack so for that reason I work on my own. I tried to apply for disability and food stamps but I was turned down 3 times.

Some of my bills are late except for the rent since the owner knocks at my door every first of the I make sure that he gets his cash and sometimes I forego other bills just so I can cover the rent. As a result my credit rating is being damaged but that with time can be fixed

I really don’t know how long I can go on living like this and this is no life. Its been years since I last went out to a movie or a club because I cant afford it. Im struggling hard every single day with no holidays or weekends and I know that im not the only one. They are many people struggling every dayand I feel for them because im one of them.

I just hope that this campaign works because I don’t want one day that I get evictedand I wind up on the street homeless. So pleasesupport my cause , . $80,000 would change my life and a chance to built something meaningfull. It would save my life in the long run

All I need is a chance like everyone else to have a decent life. Not looking to get rich I just need enough to get a decent apartment. $80,000 will do that for me. Get a small mortgage and pay it in 20 yrs. Between the mortgage payment and maintenance fee is less than what im now paying and ill be paying my own mortgage instead of someone else. I have nothing to offer in exchange for your small donation (wish I did)except my gratitude

So if you think that this is a worthy cause to make a small donation please do so and I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and understanding because it would mean a great deal to me, and a chance to take my lifeback and start overhowever if you think it is not, I thank you for reading my story and if you don’t mind please share my campaign anyway .

Thank you all


  • Vito Principe
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $80,000.00 goal
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