Please Help Ellie Mae Walk!

Fundraising campaign by Carol Young
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Ellie Mae is a beautiful Pembroke Welsh Corgi who, for most of her life, has been extremely healthy. However earlier this year her owners noticed that she was starting to have difficulty using her back legs. Her condition had gotten progressively worse in the last few months. They were concerned that it might be the start of Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) but the genetic test results came back with only one of the two markers, meaning that she is a carrier but will not develop the disease.

Some basic testing was done by her regular veterinarian this week, including blood work and x-rays. The radiographs revealed some spondylosis in the lumbar spine and a thickened irregular left femoral head (hip). The vet recommended a neurology consultation and MRI in order to get a more in depth picture of what is going on. It is necessary to determine what is causing the problems with her back end and to develop a proper course of treatment.

Ellie Mae is now scheduled for a neurology consultation on Saturday June 27th. We are hoping to be in a position to move forward with the imaging as well, so that we can develop a treatment plan and give her the best possible quality of life!


Stephen Spainhour-Roth

Veterinary Hospital

Bush Veterinary Neurology, Woodstock GA


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raised of $3,400.00 goal
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