A Humble Request For Help

Fundraising campaign by Micah Gipson
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My name is Micah Gipson. I am 20 years old. I created this campaign in hopes to achieve help for a vehicle. A simple, used, but working vehicle would mean so much to me as it would provide me with the needs to be able to get a job and get back and forth reliably.

After returning just one short year at Western Kentucky University, I moved back home to the small town of Benton, KY. I left WKU due to depression caused by relationship trauma, over-the-top course work, and lack of having support/shoulder to lean on/advice. I have only told a handful of people about my depression, it's not something I like to talk about, but telling you the real reason why I had to leave University feels right.

Back home I stayed with my mom and little brother for a few months, but after so much I couldn't continue. As much as I love my mom, I was not able to live and deal with day-to-day life along her side. Her stressed reactions to everyday life situations leaves me uneasy and shoots my anxiety out the roof. I could not see a comfortable future for me there so I moved in with one of my friends a few minutes up the road.

I've always kept a job. I'm hard working and I love to communicate with the public. Making people smile makes me happier than I could ever describe to anyone else. Most recently, I worked at McDonalds. I lost my job there in March due to lack of transportation. Everyone I know and ask always works during the day and has busy schedules. I've even tried Public Transportation, but they do not come all the way out to where I live. I've tried so hard to get many jobs but the way back and forth is never reliable enough to be able to comfortably take the job given at the time.

I would never work for someone when I'm not 100% sure I can be there for them everyday they need me.

I've even applied for unemployment as of a few weeks ago but that is spanning to look at 6-8 before even getting to complete my review to qualify for a benefit check. When mailed they stated I'd only earn $68 per week, and that's not even taking out the taxes that add up to 20%.

All I'm trying to do is be able to comfortably get on the right path. I cannot pick up the phone and call anyone for help. I couldn't even get the help I needed to get the bear necessities in College. I do not believe I am a bad person, as I would do anything to help anyone in need.

I am forced still when I should be moving forward. I'm only 20. I want to get somewhere in this beautiful life, experience the things that needs to be experienced. All I need is a little help moving forward


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raised of $600.00 goal
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