Personal Help Required

Fundraising campaign by Daniel Chambers
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Hi All,

I'm raising this money as I've made some stupid decisions that leave me needing to fill a financial hole. I am not doing this to simply make free money. I don't want to turn to payday lenders and potentially ruin my next few years trying to pay back loans.

A little background: I am a trader in financial services that earns decent money. I didn't grow up wealthy and I have made silly decisions in an attempt to eventually be comfortable in my life and not worry about money. I don't know for sure the terms of using this website, but if I cannot agree to pay money back, then I do agree to do whatever possible to in some way give back to anyone who helps. I'm happy to go into more details with what has happened and my plans going forward, if that is requested of me. I'm very disappointed as I don't feel that I'm fulfilling my potential and I'm making myself stressed and not well through my own stupidity which has stopped now, but still has ongoing impact.

Thank you very much for reading.


  • Daniel Chambers
  • Campaign Owner

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