OpWall Science Research Trip

Fundraising campaign by Paula
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My name is Paula, and I'm a high school senior taking Cambridge and Sports Medicine courses. Due to my plans to enter college as a biology major and my status as a competing member, and captain, of our National Ocean Science Bowl team, I was presented with the wonderful opportunity to travel to one of the beautiful and secluded research facilities run by Operation Wallacea in order to gain the experience in data collection and on-site research that I will need to be successful in my future career in Surgical Oncology!
While I'm absolutely ecstatic and excited to immerse myself in the world of science research, the sad reality is that my current financial situation will not allow me to reach this goal alone.
I sincerely hope that you would be so kind and lovely as to help me achieve the dream of a lifetime, and allow me to prepare myself for a career in helping and serving others, as they have done for me! Any little bit will make a huge difference to me, and while it may mean nothing to you, it will mean everything to me.
Whether or not this is possible for you, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the time you've spent reading my story!
I hope you live a life filled with the wonder and euphoria this opportunity will give to me!


  • Paula
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $4,500.00 goal
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