Nice Smile for African Woman (My Friend Uganda)

Fundraising campaign by Jaime Torres
  • US$0.00
    raised of $8,700.00 goal goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $111.00
Total: $111.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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Hello everyone see my campaign, I'm Jaime from TorresJaimeGroup (my business), I'm glad I'm going to tell you the following story about a foundation that aims to help my friend have a better smile.
The first impression of Katherine Glidewell (my friend) is a modern girl mixed with traditional features, a beautiful face that attracts the other's eyes. Unlike her impressive appearance, Katherine Glidewell is a shy person, afraid to communicate.
If you talk more closely, you will find out that the cause of silence is the defect in your teeth. Her teeth are all clean but not bright, the condition seems serious when the gums are inflamed. His teeth are always bleeding. Just a slight impact on the teeth can cause gum damage.
Ms. Glidewell also said that she loves to do teeth and visit the dental center. “Every time I visit, everyone welcomes me very enthusiastically, from the doctor to the nurse, even the receptionists take good care of me. They happily call themselves "beautiful sister" making everything closer. I am no longer afraid of going to the dentist like before."
End of story here!!!
Hoping to receive everyone's donation support. Thank you very much
Jaime Torres


No updates for this campaign just yet


Mark Giambri
Anh Nguyen
Nguyen chi Tuan
Autum nrefv
raised of $8,700.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $111.00
Total: $111.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities