COVID-19 support package for the NHS workers

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We all already know what is going on around the world with the pandemic. We all have been fighting hard to stay at home but I promise you soon and very soon we will beat these COVID-19 just like every other virus. The main reason for this campaign is to support the NHS workers for the hard work they have been doing for us out there in the Uk, I think they deserve all the praise for keeping us safe. One thing I will like us to do for them is to help donate for those NHS workers who are has been affected emotionally and psychologically by this Virus and help them come out of it and also providing those NHS workers who are finding it hard at this point in time. We have clapped just to show our appreciation but they deserve more than just a clap, join me in this campaign to put a smile on the faces of our heroes.

Thank you to all NHS.


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Pere Terry Igo

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raised of £40,000.00 goal
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