Need Help to Get Back on My Feet

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Hello, my name is Luvo, and I'm reaching out to you today with a plea for your help.

I'm currently facing a challenging situation. Just a month ago, I lost my teaching job, which has left me with no source of income. As a result, I have fallen behind on my bills, accumulated a lot of debt, and even struggled to put food on the table for myself and my elderly mother. Life has been incredibly challenging for me, and it's been a long and arduous journey. Despite my qualifications, skills, and work experience, I have been unable to find job opportunities in my field of study. I've only had the chance to work minimum wage customer service jobs, making it difficult to make ends meet. Life has been sometimes unfair, and I have felt like giving up several times. I'm 36 years old, and despite all the effort I've put into bettering myself, I have nothing to show for it.

That's why I'm turning to the power of community and the kindness of strangers by appealing for help. I've created this crowdfunding campaign because I believe in the generosity of people like you. With your support, I can get back on my feet, take control of my life, and invest in courses to help me start my own digital marketing business and ultimately build a better future for myself and my family.

Your donation can make a real difference in my life, no matter how small. It's not just about the money—it's about restoring hope and giving someone a chance at a better life.

Please consider donating to my crowdfunding campaign and sharing it with your friends and family. Your support means the world to me and could be the lifeline I desperately need right now.

Thank you for reading my message and for considering supporting my campaign. Together, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth and resilience. Let's make a difference, one donation at a time.


  • Luvo Ntliziywana

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raised of $2,000.00 goal
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