My Dad Deserves the World

Fundraising campaign by Sara
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I discovered this website on Father's Day this year and immediately thought of my dad. The home I spent many years growing up in as a child was foreclosed a few years ago. After over a decade of hefty mortgage payments he lost ownership along with his only vehicle, his job of nearly 20 years, pets, and numerous special family items. A lot of people (especially in recent times) have experienced a similar situation. Many things such as tangible or material items can eventually be replaced and just plain and simply aren't as important as family, health, pets, or any other irreplaceable part of our lives. My dad is an absolute angel and I see and live more proudly and humbly each day just being able to call myself his daughter. Despite everything he still hands down has the best sense of humor and ability to make others smile. Even if he survived no substantial hardship his clever jokes and positive aura are at the very least respectable. Regardless of the outcome of this Fundraiser, I feel happy being able to share a glimpse of his story for numerous reasons. Not only would my dad never ask for help but he cares so much more deeply of the wants and needs of others then himself. I will always give my best effort to do anything I can for my dad because he deserves it. Not only that he would never feel right asking for any help. I feel it couldn't hurt considering all doctor bills, student loans, and any other debts that any loved ones had going were to be taken care of by my dad. We have never been rich and even all distant and close family members are at the most middle class and all are struggling in some way financially. I know he wouldn't ask even if we did have a close well-off relative. I also see this Fundraiser as a clear example for anyone in the world who doesn't have much faith in humanity that good people are still out there even if you don't hear them say it. You'd never guess by his attitude what he has gone through which is also a reason for everyone to give kindness to others the best effort every day. No one really ever knows someone or what they have gone through. In addition, we all can relate to losing loved ones and it is never easy going through that. We all must remember that our hearts will someday heal and the pain one day will lessen. Keep your loved ones close and treat them well. Its never too late to change things around, to heal, to grow.

This is a glimpse of Our story:

My Dad has been through hell and back. What makes him so heart-breakingly great is he goes on day after day without even giving himself the credit he fully deserves. My loving Mother died of cancer in 1995. My dad was fresh out of high school when they married and you can safely say it was the perfect match. My Mother Theresa was a saint with the compliment of a beautiful sense of humor melding the two harmoniously together. My dad Troy, loved her from day one complimenting her subtle to-the-core beauty with his genuine traditional hard working demeanor powered unstoppably by an automatic satisfaction to thoroughly take care of his family. Remaining by her side from the first date they had through the dawns of her final breaths. When a loved one so close to the heart dies after an agonizingly painful journey to the end, its hard to imagine being able to emotionally comprehend such a monumental pain of loss with the realization of the fact that her suffering had finally ended. I don't know how he did it.
It's an unsettling truth that life goes on around us. A broken scarred family siddenly paralyzed by the complete theft of its foundation. He did not scowl to other's happiness and he didn't wish any scars upon them. For all to be okay he did it. He made it work regardless of a sobbing shattered heart that was unrecognizably stitched together without a moment to even begin to fathom this loss. His other half. The love of his life. His high school sweetheart. With his own feelings on hold he did whatever he had to do to become not only the already hard working Dad but he took on the admirable endlessly loving roles of the mother. He provided for his three children. The oldest a boy and the two younger girls. Making any possible arrangements to ensure their care was always ensured through all hours of the day. So he worked and he pushed, and I don't know how he did it.
In 2007 my angel, my sister, Danielle, passed on to heaven. With a sudden traumatizing moment she was gone. His baby, his angel, his beautiful girl. The tradgety so harsh and so unforgivable led into a following day in which time mockingly resumed. The years had added layers of thick scars upon the impossibly strung together hearts of this once whole family. Unselfishly and selflessly pushing on he was unable to heal. With a golden rarity of his heart he still gave all he could to those necessary without a second thought. Through this what once was a love flooded home had endured so much pain the damage could be seen on the walls. A tragic heart-shattering loss of the most rare to come by, pure hearted, intelligent, selfless, irreplaceable women. Forever we will love you and miss you both, with the image of you in a loving embrace together again brings a warm kiss to our hearts.



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