empower Tony’s journey:

  • US$23.00
    raised of $9,000.00 goal goal
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Dear Friends,

I'm Sonia Sotomayor and I am writing to share with you a heart-wrenching story that demands your attention and compassion. This is the story of my son, Tony, a extraordinary

young boy who has been battling severe autism and a debilitating seizure disorder. Our lives have been turned upside down, and we are now in a desperate situation that only your generosity can alleviate.

Every day, Tony grapples with debilitating seizures, and each week, he faces terrifying Tonic-Clonic Seizures that demand immediate intervention. The lifeline that sustains him is a medication called Nayzilam, which comes at a staggering cost of $600 per dose. To put this into perspective, our monthly expenditure for his medication alone is approximately $2400. Tragically, Tony doesn't qualify for any prescription assistance programs, and both our health insurance and Medicaid refuse to cover this vital lifeline.

Adding to our distress, I am Tony's registered caregiver, contracted and employed by an at-home care agency that Medicaid is supposed to pay. However, since January 1, 2023, I haven't received a single paycheck. That's more than 546 hours of unpaid work that I rely on to help cover Tony's essential medication costs. The reason behind this financial nightmare? An unfortunate delay in processing Tony's paperwork by someone at the Disabilities office.

Tony's seizures are more than terrifying; they are life-threatening. During these episodes, he stops breathing, putting immense strain on his heart. Without Nayzilam, the consequences are dire. Following a seizure, Tony can sleep for 8-14 hours, and the recovery medication, Nayzilam, plays a critical role in reducing the severity and duration of these episodes, helping him recover more swiftly.

We find ourselves in a dire and heartbreaking situation, torn between securing Tony's essential medication and fulfilling our basic financial needs. It is at this critical juncture that we humbly turn to you, our community, for help. Your generosity can make an immeasurable difference in Tony's life and ours. Your support will not only ensure Tony's access to vital medication but also help us recover from the harrowing financial setback we've endured.

We firmly believe in the power of collective compassion, and we know that together, we can make a profound impact on Tony's life. Your donation, whether big or small, will be an invaluable contribution towards securing his health and well-being.

We are deeply appreciat for your time and consideration. May God bless you and your healthy children. Your support, from the depths of our hearts, means the world to us. Let us unite and create a positive change in Tony's life. Donate today and be an integral part of Tony's journey to health, happiness, and hope.

Take action now and help us save Tony's life. Your generosity can make all the difference.


Hi my name is Sonia and live in west palm beach Florida with my son who’s authentic and also suffering seizures I need help with my son

Hi my name is Sonia and live in west palm beach Florida with my son who’s authentic and also suffering seizures I need help with my son


  • Ricky Hellyar
  • Donated on Oct 02, 2023
  • Love from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. I really hope that you and your family get the support needed.

  • Deardra Devaughn
  • Donated on Sep 14, 2023
  • Father we come to you asking for special prayer for this dear sweet little angel we pray that you heal his body and please supply all of his needs and the needs of his family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray amen eldress deardra j devaughn.


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Ricky Hellyar
  • Donated on Oct 02, 2023
  • Love from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. I really hope that you and your family get the support needed.

  • Deardra Devaughn
  • Donated on Sep 14, 2023
  • Father we come to you asking for special prayer for this dear sweet little angel we pray that you heal his body and please supply all of his needs and the needs of his family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray amen eldress deardra j devaughn.



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raised of $9,000.00 goal
0% Funded
2 Donors

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