Monthly help needed please

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Hello everyone

I am a single woman, working from home in South Africa. I have no family to help me out.

Because of my bad health, I cannot work full-time. That is why I started my VA business in 2008. Due to lock down (which hit the world) - I cannot make my monthly accounts. I am selling stuff to just get by. The church is buying me food and electricity, but I still have to pay medication and other accounts.

I have no ego left and am asking for any help - in South African Rand I need R10 000.00 per month to survive, so I calculated it to about $666 per month.

Please - every cent helps to pay something.

Thank you for reading.


43 year old woman looking to survive

43 year old woman looking to survive

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $50.00
Total: $50.00

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