Money for my friend Beauty

Fundraising campaign by Stephanie Johnson
  • US$0.00
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What would Jesus do?
There is so many people in our world today that are in need. It's not only a financial need but a spiritual need, an emotional need and a physical need. And a lot of those people are very close to us....friends, relatives, neighbors, coworkers. I have someone that is dear to my heart that is in need. Her name is Beauty and we've be friends for a very long time. She has been homeless and in financial difficulties for a couple of years due to health problems. I want to help her get back on her feet. She has a job opportunity in Houston that will help get her back on track. But she needs a car, a place to live and food to get started. If you could help her out in anyway, it would be greatly appreciated. God blesses a cheerful giver! Thank you for being a blessing to Beauty!


  • Stephanie Johnson
  • Campaign Owner

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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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