Money for a future. Tuition for a dreamer.

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Who am I? Why am I here? What are my goals?


My name is Danielle and I am soon to be a college sophomore. I am attending a very small private school in Northern Indiana (Goshen College) where I hope to get a degree in Peace, Justice and conflict studies and Non-profit business. What would I do with such a degree you might ask? I want to be helping those in need by starting my own non-profit- ideally an organization that would be focused about medical care or education.


 I've had these dreams since I was very young, and though I am go to one of the cheapest schools with the correct programs for me to reach my Is very expensive. Almost 38,000 dollars. Yikes...I Know! But I have been working hard, saving my money and applying for grants and scholarships and even loans. But nothing seems to be working out. I get denied for loans since I have no credit and my mother has poor credit. I've applied for every federal grant and scholarship that I know but it still only inches me closer.


I am Close...But I can still see my dreams slipping away from me because I cannot afford for my higher education. So many people have told me to pick a different school- Which I would- but the programs at GC are the best around. Some have told me to take a year off to raise money...I have three older sisters who all started college, took a year off and have never gone back. I love school and I would love to be the first in my family to actually graduate college...the first ever. I get giddy just thinking about it. But as soon as the financial demands of school return I fear that becoming the first in my family...just might not happen. All I need is 5,000 dollars to get me to my dreams. Only that's a lot of money that I do not have and I am scared things just won't work out.


Which is why I'm here. Asking for just a few people to help me reach my goal. Just a few people to believe in my future and what I could do with a college education and not just for myself. I hope that one day that I can help change this world we live in, so that people have all that they need, and so future students like myself do not have to worry about money hindering their ability to reach their dreams.


One of the following: Personal Thank You Baked Good Goshen College Sticker Handmade soaps, blanket or potholder

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