Aider Mofo Business Center a creer des emplois pour reduire le chomage et la pauvrete au Senegal en general.

Fundraising campaign by Fode TRAORE
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    raised of $20,000.00 goal goal
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Nowadays, we are all facing a global crisis which is composed by many social, cultural, and especially financial issues that strike the most vulnerable people that represent 90% of the world's population. Thus, having lived and experimented those difficulties, I thought it was time to do something at least to discharge some. Therefore I'm highly hoping to see a large number of contributions from all donors and investors that really care for people's welfare, and city development in all countries. #HELP ME HELP NEEDY ONES


New Entrepreneur engage in social activities and job creation

New Entrepreneur engage in social activities and job creation

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raised of $20,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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