Mission Cohort_Conference

Fundraising campaign by Mission Cohort
  • ZAR0.00
    raised of R209,475.00 goal goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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Mission Cohort_Conference

Mission Cohort is a youth-led ministry which has been established to coordinate the planting of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in un-entered areas. We also assist young people in developing mission groups in Seventh-day Adventist churches and campuses across South Africa, including the provision of training for mission work and facilitating networking among Seventh-day Adventist youth and mission groups.

Mission Cohort seeks to achieve this through providing a platform for networking among mission groups and missionaries through conferences. It also seeks to emphasize the need of young people to be involved in mission work in their sphere of influence and environments.

Mission Cohort seeks to train young people to finish the gospel work that has been given to us. This is done through the conference that happens once in a year, also during the year there are training sessions that prepare young people to work wherever they might find themselves.

This year, 2018, we have a conference coming up and therefore solicit your help in raising the calculated budget for the event. The event needs a budget of R209 475,00 in order for it to be a success and to achieve its objectives.


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Philisiwe Mathula
Avumile Mtimde
raised of R209,475.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities