Misfortune blues; Save a Good Samaritan

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Hello; I appreciate your visit. Have you ever experienced misfortune that just seemed not to quit? I have, for 20 years off and on. I have more than paid any penance for any sin I have ever committed. I seek absolution by prosperity. I do not have any criminal history, I don't drink (I am allergic to beer and milk) nor smoke, I have an AAS Degree in Industrial Safety, I am 59 yrs. of age, single, never married (no reason why, time flies when having fun). I have (4 yrs.) US Air Force, (12 yrs.) US Army Reserves, as a Patriot, serving my wondrous and majestic, United States Of America, willingly. Freedom, is not free.
I was the guy, for some odd reason, some people, just loved to hate, and thereby, some of my misfortune of denied opportunities. However, my personality has always been courteous, conscientious, and with a good sense of humor. I help out people as I can. I never hesitated to act heroically for another when required. I have volunteered my services for free many times.
So now, with Diabetes Type II (my A1C is now 7.4, I accomplished a significant feat here from a high of 13.0), I am currently seeking a quality of living wage employment as an elderly man is, which is difficult, with many turn-downs and competition from a younger generation. I still am hopeful though.  I do have a sole proprietorship however, the contracts are scarce and slow in coming.  I am not making a decent living wage income.
So, my best option now is to acquire a turn-key, profitable, small business that I have the talent and skills to manage, with an employee or two on the side, if you please. There is always some cute little business for sale, for legitimate reasons (death in the family, siblings don't care to take over the business, partnership irreconcilable differences), and I aim to purchase one, out of focused research from a couple of different Business Broker website listings.
Some Businesses for Sale, are owner financed (the best kind, because they believe in the income of their business), with a significant amount of money as down payment. Ideally, I would like to have at least $50,000.00 to negotiate in purchasing an on-going small business.  However, my ultimate goal is $115,000.00 to acquire a decent sized profitable enterprise.  I am flexible, with years of being financially frugal due to lousy jobs, and taking responsibility in supervision/management roles. I can take on any small business from; service, retail, manufacturing, entertainment (food, travel, bars).
Of course, any donation on your part is very much appreciated. "A little bit of money is better than no money," as a lower class, humble but proud, Mexican-American young lady, once stated to me, who worked hard for her money, and took the bus to work. Well, I just poured out my heart-felt soul to you.  This is my ultimate dream goal.  It was difficult for me to write this but, Lord, I am tired. How far is Heaven?  Please, donate to a good and caring soul. Thank you for your kind perusal. I know you went out of your way to read this.


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