Medical trip to Ghana

Fundraising campaign by Katie Madge
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After a long year battling with my mental health, and coming to terms with how being a victim of sexual assault has affected me. I now would like to give back to the less fortunate by volunteering for a medical experience in Ghana with The Might Roar.

What I hope to achieve;

From this experience I hope to achieve a new understanding of how third world countries operate and how their medical system is different from a first world country such as the UK. This experience will not only help me gain medical experience and receive the experience to travel (which I have never done before), but it will also be helping the people of Ghana receive medical treatment in their unstaffed hospitals. Over 600 volunteers go to these programmes each month to help the less fortunate.

Why I chose to volunteer;

I have been volunteering for the scouting organisation since I was 17 and I know from this the reward you receive in gratitude from helping others is far greater than the cost is may have come at, whether that is your time or money. So I have chosen to do the medical experience because I hope in September 2019 I can go to university to study paramedic science as this will give me more knowledge to be able to help others in need.

When is it;

I will leave for this trip on January 3rd 2019 and start the internship on January 5th 2019, I will be volunteering for 4 weeks ending the trip on February 2nd 2019.

Why I have chosen to fundraise;

I have chosen to fundraise this trip because the over all cost coming in with minimum being around £2000, this also includes some spending money so I am able to experience the culture and visit places. At present this is the guide price for the current year 2018. I have already started saving for this adventure of a lifetime, so far I have managed to rise myself £500.00 while studying at collage to obtain the qualification I require to apply for University to become a paramedic after I have experienced some of the world to help people less fortunate than ourselves.

Cost of the trip though The Mighty Roar- Approx. £600

Cost of flights - Approx. £500

Cost of accommodation on the flight stop overs - Approx. £150

Travel Insurance - Approx. £70

Cost of passport (I have never traveled) - £75

Cost of suitable clothing - Approx. - £100


I'm 20 years old studying and access course in science. After I have completed this course I plan on training as a paramedic

I'm 20 years old studying and access course in science. After I have completed this course I plan on training as a paramedic

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raised of £1,500.00 goal
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