Low income student and family Struggling

Fundraising campaign by James Lim
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Total: SG$24.00
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Hello everyone!
I am a university student and part of a family of 6, 4 immediate and 2 grandparents
I would like to seek funds for my family and myself, whom this pandemic has greatly affected us.
This pandemic has made it that our family income has dropped to below $1000 digits to be able to feed a family of 6, plus our savings.
My parents are finding difficulty to find work this period as a driver and a cleaner. My sibling and I are still studying, and there are no part time jobs with flexible schedules that allow us to study for our exams as well as work to contribute to out family.
We tried to bake and maybe sell tarts and pastries but not alot of buying is happening so we had to stop.
Our family is very limited in their income as there is simply not alot of work. The government and service assistance has helped us but there is only so much we can receive, because due to administrative level, my family cannot receive maximum welfare benefits unlike other family, because both my parents are considered working with income. This puts us in a difficult position of not having alot of income, and not receiving more help from service assistance. My family has already borrowed as much as we can from family members and we have nothing to pawn away and refuse to turn to illegal means of borrowing money.

I am facing stress and anxiety every night before I sleep and I know it is affecting my sister too as our financial situation is tense and this causes tension in the house. This in turn honestly is affecting my ability to study.
Normally if there was no pandemic I would be able to use my University facilities at discounted prices and study well, but this pandemic affect us all differently, and some of us more greatly then others.
I ask any person willing to donate to donate any amount, I want to break out of this cycle of poverty and not have to stop or juggle between school and work as Singapore reopens. I want to be able to concentrate on my studies long after this very long period of financial stress is over, but honestly I cant see a way out. A thousand dollars a month is able to sustain our family and we just need to survive the coming months as reopening is happening and my parents can work and I will hopefully be able to find more part time jobs.

Any amount of funds is great assistance for us.

Really appreciate your kindness for those in need.


  • James Lim
  • Campaign Owner

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Raised offline: SG$24.00
Total: SG$24.00

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