Losing Our Home- Need Fresh Start

Fundraising campaign by Amy Penney
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My husband and I have hit rock-bottom. Life has thrown us blow after blow after blow and since December and we are on the verge of losing everything.

This is the view of our main entryway. We are scrambling to sort all of our personal items to sell.

I worked at a big box home improvement store, though I had always struggled severely with bipolar I and all of the depressing and life- debilitating aspects which go with it.

I was let go from my job because I, at 43, was not able to keep up with the physical and emotional pressure and strain of the job, though I tried so very hard to be successful.

I was let go and lost our health insurance, which means the medications I am supposed to take were simply cut off from me, as we could not afford to see the doctor, let alone buy the scripts full-price.

I did what I was able and applied for as many jobs as I could, but no calls.

My husband comes home one day and tells me he was laid off for lack of work.

We cannot get assistance from the government...turned down twice. I was told I may be able to get assistance with health insurance and have provided all requested information but have not heard anything. We have unpaid medical bills among others.

We are a month away from not being able to pay our mortgage.

We've applied and applied and applied for jobs every day. We have both had a few interviews, but nothing. We have never been in a situation like this in our lives. Everything we try backfires on us.

We feel as though we have done something wrong or criminal and we have always played by the rules and do the right thing. We feel completely helpless and hopeless.

I have a small 403b which I am cashing in completely. We are having a sale and are literally going to sell whatever anyone wants to buy just to get by. Our savings account is bare-bones. We have cut back on all unnecessary expenditures.

We want to move out to Grand Junction, Colorado, where my husband lived for several years has connections and there are job opportunities or to Portland, Oregon where we have friends who may be able to help us and the job market is also more promising.

Please help us he through just a little bit- we are hoping to sell the house before we lose it. We are in need of just daily expenses, but more so, we just need a little of money to get us through and get us to a place where we can begin again.

We are desperate. We need a fresh start for the second half of our lives.

Please, please anything you can spare would mean the world to us.


  • Amy Penney
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $4,000.00 goal
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