LePas- an animal rescue home with a unique mission

  • €21,213
    raised of €100,000.00 goal goal
Our first milestone rea... - €10000
WOOOOOOW!!! - €50000
21% Funded
662 Donors

Current milestone




Time left
33 15 35
You only have the opportunity to donate to this campaign before Friday May 31, 11:59 pm UTC
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[...scroll down for the English text...]

Zašto je ova kampanja drugačija? Što udrugu iza nje razlikuje od drugih? Zašto biste trebali odvojiti vrijeme da pročitate našu priču i podržite naš cilj?

Zato što smo dobili priliku uz vašu podršku napraviti nešto veliko, nešto čudesno i nešto jedinstveno u Hrvatskoj!

A sad nam dozvolite da vam ukrako ispričamo našu priču.

Po mnogo čemu smo udruga za zaštitu životinja kao idruge. Ali. Najbolje priče uvijek imaju taj jedan 'ali', zar ne?

Za početak, na raspolaganju imamo otprilike 7000 kvadratnih metara otvorenog, predivnog, od ljudi dovoljno udaljenog prostora samo za njih; za napuštene, ničije, ozlijeđene, bolesne, neželjene. Za pse i mace kojima treba sigurno utočište, koji će kod nas naći svoj dom prije doma.

Što planiramo? Planiramo im osigurati predivan smještaj gdje će dobiti svu skrb, pažnju i ljubav koja im treba. Planiramo napraviti poseban, odvojen prostor gdje bismo uvijek mogli kvalitetno smjestiti kujice s tek rođenim bebama.

Jedna od NAJVAŽNIJIH stvari koju planiramo, a koja u ovom trenutku i u obliku koji smo mi zamislili ne postoji NIGDJE U HRVATSKOJ je potpuno odvojen, opremljen i u potpunosti prilagođen HOSPICIJ ZA STARIJE PSE, kategoriju napuštenih pasa za koju je uvijek najteže, nekad nažalost i nemoguće, naći dobre privremene smještaje, a kamoli zauvijek domove.

Moramo naglasiti kako ćemo na istom prostoru mi, voditelji ove male udruge, napraviti i svoj skromni dom tako da naši štićenici nikad neće biti sami i bez nadzora. Naš će se dom, a nadamo se makar i dio njihovog prostora, graditi od kredita koji ćemo podići, no ta svota, nažalost, neće biti dovoljna za izgradnju cijelog LePas utočišta. Cijeli projekt smo već izradili i odobren je od nadležnih institucija, na nama je sad da prikupimo potrebne financije i izgradimo njihov i naš raj na zemlji. Baš se tu nadamo pomoći svih vas jer jedna vaša donacija sve njih, nekad ničije, napuštene i nesretne vodi korak bliže samo njihovom sigurnom i toplom utočištu.

Svi LePasići (tako od milja tepamo našim psećim i mačjim štićenicima) bit će smješteni u dijelu kuće koji uz pomoć ove kampanje, odnosno svih vas, planiramo izgraditi za njih, a koji će biti povezan s našim dijelom kuće te će svi uvijek imati pristup svim prostorijama i bit će, kao što je to i sada slučaj, uvijek uz nas, uz čovjeka, što je njima kao društvenim bićima jako bitno i neophodno za kvalitetu života, socijalizaciju i odgoj.

Kroz kampanju ćemo vam pokušati prikazati sažetak našeg rada kako biste nas što bolje upoznali i vidjeli što radimo i što biste svojom donacijom podržali. Do sad je, od službenog početka rada udruge LePas 2020. godine, kroz naš dom već prošlo preko 500 pasa i maca koji su svoj spas našli upravo pod našim krovom i iznimno smo sretni što smo upravo mi bili jedna od najvažnijih etapa na njihovom putovanju prema sretnijoj budućnosti. Ponosimo se što im pružamo dom prije doma, što upravo kod nas prvi put upoznaju onu ljepšu stranu svijeta i ljudskog roda, što baš nama prvima poklone svoje povjerenje, što baš mi imamo tu čast prvi ih put pomaziti, prvi put u ruke primiti njihove šapice kad ih napokon pruže. Biti toliko važan dio njihovog oporavka je jednostavno neprocjenjivo i neopisivo.

Tijekom cijelog trajanja kampanje donosit ćemo vam sve naše uspjehe i pobjede, naše ciljeve, snove, želje, planove, predivne transformacije, borbe, putovanja i, ono najvažnije, naše trenutne štićenike, kao i sve one bivše te njihova divna udomljenja i nadamo se da ćemo zadobiti, a zatim i opravdati vaše povjerenje.

Pa krenimo!


Why is this campaign different? What makes the organization behind it stand out from all the others? Why should you take the time to read our story and support our cause?

Because we were given the opportunity to do something big, something miraculous and something unique, provided we get the needed support.

And now, please allow us to tell you our story.

We are just like many other animal rescue organizations in more ways than one. But. All the best stories have that one 'but', right?

For starters, we have about 7 thousand square meters of open, beautiful, safely secluded space that is meant just for them; for the abandoned, the hurt, the sick, the unwanted. For doggos and kitties who need a safe haven, who will find their home before home under our roof.

What are we planning? We are planning to provide them with a beautiful sanctuary where they will get all the necessary care, love and attention. We are planning to build a special, completely separated space where we could always safely and comfortably place female dogs and their newly born babies.

One of THE MOST IMPORTANT things we are planning, which in this moment and form that we have envisioned, does not exist ANYWHERE IN CROATIA, is a fully separated, equipped and completely adapted OLDER DOGS HOSPICE. This is the category of abandoned dogs that is always hardest, if not impossible, to place in good foster homes, let alone forever homes.

We must stress out that we, people responsible for running this little organization, will build our own modest home in this same place so our fur babies will never be alone nor unsupervised. Our home, along with at least a part of their space, will be built through a loan we will be getting, but this amount, unfortunately, will not suffice to cover all the expenses of building the entire LePas sanctuary. The entire project has already been completed and approved. Now we are left with the task of coming up with the necessary finances and building our heaven on earth. This is where we are counting on the help from all of you, because just one donation will bring all of them, the abandoned, the sad, the scared, the injured, one step closer to a safe and warm haven they will be able to call theirs.

All of our LePasići (this is our pet name for our doggo and kitty protégées) will be placed in the part of the house that we are planning on building with the help of this campaign or, more precisely, with the support of all of you. It will be fully connected with our part of the house so they will always have access to the entire house, as they also do now. This way, they will always be with us, by our side, which for them as social beings is very important and crucial for a good quality of life, proper socialization and upbringing.

Throughout the campaign, we will try to show you the summary of our work so you can get to know as much as possible and also so you can see and understand what it is that we do and what you would be supporting with your donation. Up until now, since the official beginning of LePas activities in 2020 more than 500 dogs and cats have passed through our home. All of them found their salvation under our roof and we are proud to have been one of the most important parts of their journeys towards a happier future. It gives us so much pride to be the ones providing them with a home before a home, to know that it is precisely under our care that they get to know and experience the prettier side of the world and human beings for the first time, that it is us they give their trust to, that we are the ones who get the huge honour of petting them for the first time, as well as taking their little paws into our hands when they decide they trust us enough to reach towards us. Being such a big part of their healing process is simply priceless and indescribable.

We will take this opportunity to tell you about all our successes and victories, our goals, dreams, wishes, plans, beautiful transformations, fights, journeys and, most importantly, our current babies, as well as all our past ones. You will also get a glimpse of our fantastic adoption stories and hopefully all of this will be enough for us to gain and justify your trust.

So let's get started!


1. Our first milestone reached!

€10,000 Completed

Ekipo, uspjeli smo! Dogurali smo do prve prekretnice! Idemo dalje još jače!! ===================== Guys, we've made it! We've reached our first milestone! Let's go, we've got this!


€21,213/€50,000 ongoing

Polovica puta je iza nas! Hvala, hvala i još 50 tisuća puta hvala u ime svih nas! Hoćemo li sad najjače do kraja?! =================================== We're half way there! Thank you, thank you and thank you 50 thousand times more on behalf of all of us! Will we go all the way?!


LePas privjesak i kemijska olovka (LePas key pendant and pen)

Uz naš šareni logo lako će vas prepoznati kao našeg fana i podržavatelja! / With our brightly colored logo you will be easily recognized as our fan and supporter!

11 Backers
Dajte ime jednom LePasiću (Naming a LePasić)

Prihvatit ćemo sve vaše prijedloge i tako ćete ostaviti trajni trag u našem malom svijetu! / We will take all your suggestions and that way you will leave your permanent mark in our little world!

15 Backers
SOLD OUT LePas tote bag

Još jedan znak prepoznavanja među nama LePasovcima! / Another sign of recognition among us LePas supporters!

15 Backers
SOLD OUT Homemade puppy treats

Predivne, ukusne i domaće gricke koje radi naša Tena, bez umjetnih bojila i konzervansa, različitih okusa, oduševit će svako pseće nepce! / Beautiful, tasty and homemade treats made by our Tena with no artificial colors or preservatives and of different flavors that will delight every doggy palate.

10 Backers
SOLD OUT Puppy therapy

Svakako povoljnije od svake klasične psihoterapije- dođite k nama na jednu dobru terapiju štencima! / Definitely less pricey than any classic psychotherapy- come to LePas for a good puppy therapy!

10 Backers


  • Tihana Maretic Klaric


  • Ivona Hasanovic
  • Donated on Apr 27, 2024
  • Svaki mjesec uplatim ponesto jer vjerujem u ovaj projekt. Idemo dalje ✌️

  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 25, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 25, 2024
Dec 28

A step away from our first milestone!

Update posted by Tihana Maretic Klaric at 06:19 pm

See update
Dec 09

Our Before&Afters

Update posted by Tihana Maretic Klaric at 05:45 pm

Koki je jedan od nasih spasenih. Prije nego je stigoa k nama, zvio je na pola metra lanca, u blatu bez zaklona, a lanac mu se najcesce toliko zapleo da nije mogao ni ustati, a kamoli pomaknuti se s mjesta.============================Koki is one of pur rescues. Before he came to us,

See update
Dec 08

Step by step...

Update posted by Tihana Maretic Klaric at 01:39 pm

Korak po korak, idemo mi polako prema ostvarenju cilja ove kampanje i svih nasih snova i planova... Molimo vas, dijelite kampanju, pricajte o nama i nasim njuskama, svaka donacija nas vodi malo blize novom utocistu! =============================Step by step, we are slowly moving towards the realization of our goal and all

See update
Dec 06

First 100 backers, CHECK!

Update posted by Tihana Maretic Klaric at 05:02 pm

Jedan od nasih spasenih, koji je od milja dobio ime Micro-Pas, bio je OVOLIKO uzbuden kad smo im rekli da smo u 24 sata skupili 100 donatora! :D HVALA VAM!!! ============================One of our rescues, whose pet name is Micro-Pas (pas being the Croatian word for dog :D) was THIS excited

See update

Donors & Comments

662 donors
  • Ivona Hasanovic
  • Donated on Apr 27, 2024
  • Svaki mjesec uplatim ponesto jer vjerujem u ovaj projekt. Idemo dalje ✌️

  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 25, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 25, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 20, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 20, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 19, 2024
  • Dinka Š
  • Donated on Apr 15, 2024
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Apr 14, 2024
Amount Hidden
  • Irena Novosel
  • Donated on Apr 11, 2024
  • Marija Lujza Leko Bartulović
  • Donated on Apr 11, 2024
  • Donacija. Samo hrabro Tihana!

Show more donors


Željka Ostoić
Abdul Aziz
Ivana Raut
Jaynal Abedin
Moa Vidić
Madam Eiman Nadia
Jurica Majer
Jagoda Cvelic
Darija Velan Šigir
Jelena Vukmanovic
Show more Followers
raised of €100,000.00 goal
Our first mileston... - €10000
WOOOOOOW!!! - €50000
21% Funded
662 Donors

Current milestone




Time left
33 15 35

You only have the opportunity to donate to this campaign before Friday May 31, 11:59 pm UTC

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