Karaoke Party Bus

  • CA$0.00
    raised of CA$7,000.00 goal goal
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Hi there, I have been working on a new project in my city, something that we currently do not have within 2 hours of here. Belleville has recetly grown a tremendous amount and now is the best time for new business ideas. I am a 38 year old female that has recently moved to Belleville from Toronto and would like to bring some of the life I know from there and enhance this beautiful city.

Therefore I would love to raise enough money to buy my first shuttle bus and transform it into a karaoke party bus. This would help a great deal and would definately benefit my area.

I will be given custom made t-shirts of my karoke party bus in honor of your donation.

Thank you all and I look forward to starting my adventure.


custom t-shirt

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raised of CA$7,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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