In My Father’s Garage

Fundraising campaign by Benjamin Prior
  • US$200.00
    Donated So Far
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Growing up, Jason and his dad has always dreamed about building their favorite car, a 1957 Corvette. They would attend every car show around them, admire the corvettes, and dream about the day that they would build their own. Then life happened. Jason went off to college and moved away for work. His job keeps him busy and he never has time to do the same things with his son. In fact, he has no relationship with his son or his wife, and has lost his faith in God. One day he gets a call that will change his life forever. He sinks into a depression of anger, alcohol, and solitude and comes close to losing it all. Can he be redeemed? Can he give his son the same childhood that he had?


Digital version of the final screenplay, a set of digital set photos, and a thank you on social media

0 Backers

Digital version of the final screenplay, a set of digital set photos, and a personal video thank you from the cast

0 Backers

Digital version of the final screenplay, a set of digital set photos, a personal video thank you from the cast, and a movie t-shirt

0 Backers

Original printed screenplay signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, and a digital copy of the film

0 Backers

Original printed screenplay signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, and a movie t-shirt

Original printed screenplay or 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie t-shirt, and a screen-used valve cover

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, and a walk-on role as an extra. (Transportation the responsibility of the purchaser)

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on role as an extra (Transportation is the responsibility of the purchaser), and a personalized video made on set by the entire cast

Original printed screenplay and 24x26 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on role as an extra (Transportation is the responsibility of the purchaser), and a personalized video made on set by the entire cast

Original printed screenplay and 24x26 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on role as an extra (Transportation is the responsibility of the purchaser), a personalized video made on set by the entire cast, and a special thank you in the film

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on speaking role (transportation included), and a personalized video made on set by the entire cast,

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on speaking role (transportation included), and a personalized video made on set by the entire cast, and a thank you in the film

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on speaking role (transportation included), a personalized video made on set by the entire cast, as well as a screen-used fiberglass 1957 Corvette body

Original printed screenplay and 24x36 movie poster signed by the writer and the entire cast, digital collection of set photos, a digital copy of the film, a movie bowling shirt, a walk-on speaking role (transportation included), a personalized video made on set by the entire cast, as well as the actual 1957 Corvette from the film



  • Santina Nina Bourland
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2020
  • Love you Brother ❣️ wish you the best

Amount Hidden
  • Denise Hensley
  • Donated on Oct 02, 2020
  • Very Exciting! Can't wait to read it! Best of luck!


No updates for this campaign just yet

Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Santina Nina Bourland
  • Donated on Oct 13, 2020
  • Love you Brother ❣️ wish you the best

Amount Hidden
  • Denise Hensley
  • Donated on Oct 02, 2020
  • Very Exciting! Can't wait to read it! Best of luck!



Denise Hensley
Donated So Far

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