Homeless Poet in Miami

Fundraising campaign by Nora Abreu Alfaro
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I am a 55 year old Woman, alone and on my own, without family or good friends to help me. For a long time I have been without a home, taking on jobs that don't last enough for me to become stable. I have been sleeping in my car for a long time. The heat here in Miami in unbearable and I am Diabetic, Have High Blood Pressure and Diverticulitis, not to mention I am suffering from depression and have panic attacks. I can not work on my feet anymore, therefore I can not take on retail jobs that require you to stand for long periods of time. I am seeking a office job, but at my age they are hard to come by and they are given mostly to the young girls, and I am left with no options. Everyone wants to send me to a shelter, I did try to go to one once many years ago but I had a severe Panic Attack and realized that just wasn't for me. I am an Artistic person, I am a poet and have the hopes of publishing one day and becoming famous, but right now I am at the lowest and darkest part of my life, and I need help. I am a woman of faith and a Warrior Princess and I have fought hard out here on the streets of Miami for survival, but like all warriors I bare the scars and wounds of my battles. There are many angels out there in form of humans who have come to rescue me from time to time, and I know there are many out there I have not yet found. That is why I am here, I need to raise money to get a apartment and a car to go to my job, when I get it. My car is in its final days, it is a 1999 Mazda 626 with a partially burned engine, running on 3 cylinders, burning gas like crazy, no brakes, no a/c, deteriorating interiors and many other problems which I've yet to discover. It is not worth repairing it, since the repairs would cost more than the car is worth.

Please help me, Give me a helping hand so I can climb out of the darkness of the hole I find myself in now. I am so very alone and heartbroken and I feel so helpless, everyday there are so many challenges to fight. I have to go on insulin because my sugars numbers are out of control. I can not maintain any type of diet out here in the streets, I eat what I find. I need a new pair of glasses and dental work, there are so many things I must conquer and alone and on my own, some days all I do is cry all day and I can not focus on anything. In this heat I hardly can breath some days and I get hot flashes on top of all that. I have been strong, strong for too long, but I can not go on I am weakening, my health deteriorating. So I ask you to please contribute to my cause and help get me out of the streets and become a productive person in society. I fell into this by losing many jobs and not being able to pay my bills or housing. Without family and friends to lend you a hand, you are one paycheck away from disaster.

Please contribute and be my angels and when I become a famous poet, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you were part of my success.

Thank you and God bless you.

Nora Abreu Alfaro


  • Nora Abreu Alfaro
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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