Hernia/ weight loss surgery

Fundraising campaign by Kdw9
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    raised of $10,000.00 goal goal
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I am in need of a hernia repair along with gastric vertical sleeve. The hernia repair was to be in May, but my surgeon would not do it because of my weight. He hopes I do not have to have emergency surgery. He is referring me to a surge on who would do both at the same time. Unfortunately, my insurance won't pay for it. I just had a catheter ablation of my heart done in October for supra ventricular tachycardi. After, I was horribly ill and kept being sent to the ER by different doctors saying I had fluid around my heart. the very last visit is when they discovered the hiatal hernia. 


Once this surgery is finished, I hope to be in my way to living a normal, healthy life! I have been overweight my entire life and it seems to be getting progressively worse. I have even considered surgery in Mexico, but my family is against it. 


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raised of $10,000.00 goal
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