Help us keep our home

Fundraising campaign by himemillie
  • US$0.00
    raised of $5,000.00 goal goal
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Hello! My name is Millie, and my parents, Yolanda and Mickey, have been in debt since my father's bar was condemned due to a fire. Since then, we've fallen on harder times. Our previous house was foreclosed, and moving out of my childhood home was painful. My uncle agreed to let us have his house, as long as we took care of all the bills. Recently, my mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer, and she had to quit working at the daycare she loved. A couple of weeks later, I had to take my father to the emergency room, where he was told he had meningitus. My eldest brother is moving back home because his ex-girlfriend was violent and abusive, and she stole money from him.  My 24 year old brother can't go back to school for his final semester because he's workin a job that only pays $9.15 an hour, 40-60 hours a week. I am currently going to college, and I start my new job soon. My younger sister, who is in high school, just turned in her first job application on her 16th birthday. With the money, we can pay at least some of the morgage, as well as paying off debts. Any amount will help and is so greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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raised of $5,000.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities