Help us clothe and feed homeless children in Africa

Fundraising campaign by Emily Duffield
  • US$0.00
    raised of $30,000.00 goal goal
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Good day, I hope you are well. Well I know you are well because there are children out there with not even the bare minimum to survive.

We have dedicated our time and effort to better the lives of those struggling around us. We started this movement when me and my family came across a village in Mozambique. That village calls clean water a luxury. Me and my family decided that we are going to help by first providing clean water and food. We have stopped spending our money on useless things like movies and phone purchases and we now buy food to give to these children and their families.

But we alone cannot survive doing this on our own. We are struggling. We have reached out to multiple companies for assistance but all declined with the common reason that “it’s not any of our business, why should we care”.

Please find it in your heart to help us help them, please lend a hand.

We need this small amount of money compared to what we as a family have already contributed to clothe these children and their families and provide food and clean water on the daily.

Please find it in your heart to practice kindness and help us help our world. As little as you can give will be appreciated by us and those we help.


  • Emily Duffield
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $30,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities