Help to Rebuild Their Beautiful Home and Life

Fundraising campaign by Sudesh Dhananjaya
  • > ₿ 0.00000000
    = US$0.00
    raised of $6,584.00 goal goal
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The beautiful stillness of nature suddenly turned violent. Many people had to face natural calamities due to strong winds and rain. My friend also had to face this pathetic situation.

My friend and his mother, father, wife, daughter, and two sons live in the affected house. Mother and father are very old. The three children are in school. Fortunately, no one was injured in this natural disaster. However, all the belongings related to the education of these three children have been destroyed. Our friends got together and collected money and provided the necessary arrangements for the education of these children. They were put in a rented house until the house was rebuilt. Everyone got together and cleaned the house by removing the fallen trees. We started building the house again. But we don't have enough money to build the house.

My friend's occupation is labor profession. The wife does not have a job. She takes care of the two parents and the children. All these people are living on the daily income of my friend from his job. The income from his job is not enough for them to live. It takes a lot of time to build this house with their single efforts. If that happens, they may lose their children's education. We hope to somehow build this house for them.

As there is not enough money to build the house, the construction of the house has been stopped for now. We hope for your generous support for that.

My thanks to all of you for the friend


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₿ 0
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of goal: ₿0.0 / $6,584.00
0% Funded
0 Donors

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