Help Stel Make It Across The Pond

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Hi,  My name is Stella and I am 23 years old. It has always been a dream of mine to travel abroad and the on place i have been dying to visit my whole life is London. I grew up in a very  conservative and strict household, where I am not  aloud to go out and experience life like someone my age should be doing. My parents completely petrified that something is going to happen to me and that plays into why I am such a homebody and i understand that it is because they care but I am 23 years old and they have raised me well enough to know what I am doing. I want to see what else is out there, I want to meet new people, experience new scenery, eat different foods, explore a new culture that is so different from my own without anything and anyone holding me back.  So I want to visit London and engulf myself there and visit the mesmerizing monuments and legendary streets. So, any donations will be greatly appreciated. Thank You.   


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