Help Spike the Doberman Pinscher

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While I was getting food for my cats yesterday (6/27/15) at Battlefield Animal Clinic I met Spike a 6 year old Doberman who was being boarded there by them for the last few weeks. Spike has a torn ACL on his left right back leg and was brought there to by his owners to be put down because they could not afford his surgery which is roughly $2000-3000 and that they were moving away from the area. How is that gratitude for your family pet? I am setting up this fund raiser ($5 minimum donation) to help Spike get his surgery so he can get healthy and make it easier for him to find a new home where he will be loved and appreciated. Spike is a very well behaved, sweet natured and wonderful with people and would make an excellent pet. If you are interested in helping Spike or adopting him please contact Dr. Paul Marron or Dr. Dyana Mitchell at Battlefield Animal Clinic at 703-361-0271.


  • Paul Sebula
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $3,500.00 goal
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