Help me turn my life around

Fundraising campaign by Cess Samuel
  • SG$0.00
    raised of SG$10,000.00 goal goal
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Life So Far

Hello, my name is Cess, I am 22 years old, and I live in a rental flat. I have been residing in a rental apartment for about four years with my birth mother. Before this, I was in the Children’s Home, and then I was living on my own for two years. I am exhausted and stretched thin beyond my means. I yearn to have a chance at an ordinary life.

Bills to Pay

I have bills to pay for regular expenses like rent and phone service, and on top of that, I have to cover my mother’s medical bills for a severe hand injury. I cannot afford to go to the doctor myself when I am ill. Our savings cannot fully cover our medical bills in Medisave. Driven to my wits’ end, I took out loans to make ends meet. I am caught in a never-ending cycle of debt, and I cannot study and make other decisions to break this cycle.

The Future

I was accepted into Murdoch University, but I couldn't go through with the enrollment without any money. I want to study, I want to pick up employable skills, I want to create a better life for myself and my mother. I have ambition, and I want to start a business, but I cannot get a business off the ground if I cannot put food on our table. I don’t want anything luxurious or an exorbitant handout. I need one final push towards self-sufficiency.

Money Breakdown

Here is how I will spend the $10,000 from this fundraiser.

  1. Loan - $1688.00
  2. Rent - $900.00
  3. Wifi - $900.00
  4. Phone bill (StarHub) - $300.00
  5. Medical bills
    • Tan Tock Seng Hospital - $290.00
    • Sengkang General Hospital - $255.00
    • Polyclinic - $39.00
  6. Singtel - $1470.00
  7. M1 - $1990.00
  8. Friends I have borrowed money from - $1300.00
  9. Business - $1000.00


  • Cess Samuel
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of SG$10,000.00 goal
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