Help Me Study Abroad Winter of 2019

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Thank you for visiting my donation page. If you do not know who I am well I am Logan Pender. I`m 17 about to be 18 in June. I`m a Junior at Rock Hill High and I`m graduating a semester early. I decided to apply to do a gap semester with Education First for Language and a Teaching Internships from January-April and I got accepted. So, I will spend two weeks doing my orientation in London and exploring and then I get to go and tour Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, and Rome. After the two weeks are up I will go to Paris where I will do my language studies for four weeks and then I will go to Sydney for my internships for the next four weeks. After my internships I will be returning back to London to attend Hults International Business School Leadership Academy for the last two weeks of my semester.

You guys may be wondering why I chose to do this and here are the reasons. One, I can get pre-exempt from my language courses when I attend college in the fall. Two, I want to become a high school teacher history teacher and I will get the chance to do my internship inside of a class room in Sydney. I love learning about history and exploring different cultures and I will get the chance to do just that. The reason why I want to become a teacher isn’t because of the salary it because I`ve been blessed with teachers that go above and beyond for their students and they see the good in their students. They push their students and make them realize that they have everything they need to succeed and all they got to do is just reach out and grasp it. I want to inspire the next generation as my teachers did.

So, with that I would very much apprieate if you would donate to my page. I will be paying for a portion but with it this much I will need all the help I can get. Below you will see an outline of what your donations will go to. All donation when the time up will be transferred to my EF account to pay for it. I will not a see a dime. Also, if anyone would like to become a sponsor please contact me at [email protected] or just messaage me on here.

So, the $19,000 covers the following:

Unlimited mentorship from an EF Gap Advisor

- All airfare and transportation (including to and from North America)

- All activities and excursions listed in program

- Accommodations throughout the program

- Most of meals

- Complete educational courses materials and related tuition

- All courses and planned activities linked to the program

- 24/7 EF global support

- Comprehensive medical, cancellation and interruption global insurance

In a language program the food (breakfast and dinner during the week) is provided by homestay families while volunteering is through our local partners with typical campus residences. During an internship, students live in fully furnished apartments and are responsible for their own meals. On tour all breakfasts and some dinners are included while the Orientation/Leadership Academy includes all meals.

Thank you for your time and donating to help further my education,

~Logan Pender


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