Help Me Start My Life

Fundraising campaign by Deborah Shepherd
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On march 2nd of this year (2016), I had a second surgery on my lumbar spine. I had slipped 4 disks in my back in 2011, and had to have 2 surgeries thus far to be able to function. The pain was so bad that I couldn't leave my bed. Because of these surgeries, I now owe around $50,000 to the hospital, and the debt is getting in my way of being healthy as they refuse to see me until I can make payments on the bill. because of the surgeries though, i cannot work for long periods of time and it is even difficult for me to walk at all. Prior to all of this happening, I used to be a student at ISU here in Ames IA. I was doing well at the college when I needed to take a break for one semester, and I had to submit the paperwork to do so. Sadly, the individual that I gave the paperwork to did not submit it correctly, and placed on my account that I only withdrew my financial aid and not from the school. Being that I did not receive any proof that I HAD placed the paperwork as I was instructed to do, the college is now asking for me to pay them around $8,000 to settle the matter. I was in the process of negotiating with them, and suddenly FAFSA sent me mail regarding my student loan debt that has exceeded $12,000. Shortly after I had my surgeries, my mother passed away due to three types of cancer. All the crediting agencies are now asking me to settle her debt and she owed them a total of $112,580 thereabouts. I would handle all of these issues myself, but as I stated before, I have no ability to work, and my only income at the moment is SSI and Social Security. I need help with these debts so that I can settle everything and get healthy once more. Without any assistance, I don't know what I will be able to do! Any donations are strongly appreciated, and thank you for reading this. Thank you for your consideration.


  • Deborah Shepherd
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $200,000.00 goal
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