Help me Save my Sinking Home

Fundraising campaign by senamile nene
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Dear good people. My upbringing was challenging; I understood that at a very young age. Having no parents nor siblings grew me thick skin. I also had to abandon enjoyments of childhood and youthful and really start establishing myself from scratch. I studied up to the tertial level and that was a mission on its own but i could not afford to be a cry baby. I got a job, not so good paying. But I made it my mission to build myself a house and after couple of years of saving, I manage to get it up to roof!!!

A plan was to then start a family of my own but it happened that I lost my job. I had no choice but to move to my unfinished house. I did not have a problem with that, to be it is a big achievement even at its state. The problem started when after flooding in our area Durban. The house developed massive cracks all over and the foundation separated from the walls. After consulting with acquittances who are professional builders, I was told that I need to get out of the house as it is unsafe to stay in its condition. I have to do underpinning. It is a costly process that I cannot afford because I am not working and I have no support.

I am appealing to you. Help me restore my shelter that I sacrificed my childhood and youth to build. I have nowhere to go. If it collapse, It will take me with it because I cannot go anywhere.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to learn more about me, the house or offer employment opportunity. I would appreciate anything and everything!


An orphan who strive for a normal.

An orphan who strive for a normal.

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raised of $1,000.00 goal
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