Help Me Learn To Save Lives

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When you are a nurse you know that everyday you will touch a life, or a life will touch yours... A nurse... those wonderful men and women that stand for 12 hours at a time,who open the eyes of a newborn and close the eyes of a dying man. Those wonderful people that put themselves out there to help even when the pay is poorly low and they are often not appriciated as much as they should be. BUT! Despite all of this is I REALLY want to become a nurse...

My name is Charlotte and i have been a care assistant for nearly six years. Three years ago i decided to become a nurse, i decided to work really hard to gain the qualifications necessary to apply to my local univerisity to start my nursing degree.

The first year i applied i did not make it past the interveiw stage, i was so nervous! I wanted it soo bad! The pressure was too much and i was a nervous wreck!! which ended in a blubbering mess! ... The second year i applied i got through the interveiw stage! I was so happy! I just had two exams and a group interveiw to pass and i would get my place on the course! yay!

Later that month i found out i was pregnant with a little boy! Much to my surprise! As earlier in the year i had health problems and was told my ovaries were next to useless! So although i was over the moon, I couldnt help but feel i had worked so hard for my dream to be set aside.

Never the less, my son was born! And my fiance gave me the confidence to apply again for my place on the Nursing Degree. I completed my personal statement, my interveiw and passed my exams! A month later i had a letter confirming my place after aceing my group interveiw! I was estatic!! Words could not describe how proud i was of myself! I did it! I have my dream career in site and i can show my little boy that hard work and determination pays off! when you want something bad enough!

But now my place at univeristy is in jepardy... The goverment who runs the NHS bursary Scheme have declined my entitlement for childcare allowence, because my partner has paid too much tax in the last working year (He is a farm worker that has as seasonal wage, which accumulates a heafty amount of tax without a hefty pay packet!).

"The Less you work the more you get" saying comes to mind here...

Both our wages whilst i study will simply not cover our childcare costs. My partner already works six days a week and has had 3 hearts attacks in his life time (hes 25!) due to a congenital heart problem. So working more hours just isnt an option. But because of the nature of the course childcare is a must! The uk are seriously short of nurses and they really do not seem to make it any easier to help that situation at all!

I Feel like I have come so far to be struck down at the last hurdle! Without help with childcare i cannot start my degree.


Any donation would be absolutely amazing! And i will be forever greatful to those that choose to help me acheive my dream! Thank you! Lots of Love & Appriciation Charlotte xxx  


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raised of £1,000.00 goal
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