Help me get onboard please

Fundraising campaign by petronella april
  • ZAR0.00
    raised of R450,000.00 goal goal
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Hi my name is Petronella, I'm super - duper excited to say that I have been fortunate enough to be given an amazing opportunity to work on the cruise liners and earn in dollars. It has been hardship when covid 19 hit us, my main income which was my salon I had to close doors after 12yrs. I also had to sell most of my equipment and do mobile and work from home just to keep head above water. And with everything thats gone so expensively I can't keep up with my rent and school fees and bills needs to be paid.

Then this amazing thing happened LWA-Recruitment has selected me to work on the cruise liners, this is a opportunity of a lifetime to learn and grow in the field I studied for and very passionate about it. So by working onboard and earning a stable income for my family would be so great full.

Due to my financial difficulty I can't afford for the investment kit ( C1d visa, medicals, uniform, training & seamansbook) I was not aware about these cost.

Im so embarrassed to ask on this platform, Im reaching out to whoever can help me out on my accomplishment if you could please donate any amount big or small, every little penny will help towards my kit. And for me to move forward.

Thank you so much for your generosity & time. I will also pay it forward by funding someone else in the near future


  • petronella april

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raised of R450,000.00 goal
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